This study examines how different RA contract variations influence bidding behavior and revenue, demonstrating how toll off-takers and asset owners can maximize value through CAISO merchant optimization while fulfilling RA obligations.
Whitepaper: Benchmarking ERCOT Performance of Stem’s Athena® Optimization Platform
Maximizing merchant revenue for battery energy storage systems (BESS) is complex. With an ever-evolving landscape affecting BESS participation in the ERCOT wholesale market, this paper assesses how Stem’s Athena® platform would have performed managing bid optimization for a sample of ERCOT BESS in 2022.
Whitepaper: Clean Energy Solutions for Electric Cooperatives
Energy storage and renewable energy are becoming increasingly prevalent in the resource portfolios of electric cooperatives and other utilities. These complementary resources can help co-ops reduce costs and build resilience for members, while also responding to burgeoning member interest in clean energy and supporting local economic growth.
eBook: Athena®: An Enterprise Energy Optimization Platform
The energy value chain needs a flexible solution to improve efficiency, lower global emissions, and enhance resilience while maximizing economic returns and simplifying clean energy management. Download the eBook to discover how Stem’s newly unified optimization platform, Athena®️, can realize, unlock, and maximize the lifetime value of clean energy systems.