Stem’s Athena platform has a powerful trading application called PowerBidder which is used to manage energy storage assets participating in wholesale energy markets.
PowerBidder access is offered in two ways – as a managed service in which Stem’s Operations team manages customer assets, and as a self-service software application (PowerBidder Pro) that gives asset owners, traders, and offtakers direct access to manage their own trading strategies.
Stem’s Athena® PowerBidder™ Pro application helps energy professionals actively manage energy storage assets–standalone, co-located, or hybrid–with confidence, control, and scalability. Asset owners, traders, and tolling offtakers can leverage PowerBidder Pro’s AI-driven automated bid optimization workflows and its comprehensive suite of advanced real-time monitoring and control features to break open the ‘black box’ of merchant battery storage asset operations and to finely tailor strategies to their organization’s risk tolerance.
Stem’s combination of market, program, and operations expertise and best-in-class software offer a differentiated solution for wholesale energy market participation. Under our managed wholesale market optimization offering, Stem’s experts utilize our PowerBidder software application to actively manage the bidding strategies for your merchant battery assets to unlock and capture maximum revenue. With a range of additional managed services on top of wholesale market optimization, we offer our customers a seamless and trusted solution to maximize project ROI and avoid the burden otherwise placed on the customer to self-manage the myriad aspects of wholesale market asset registration, operation, and coordination.
Effective market participation depends on reliable, real-time communication. After submitting an optimized bid, Athena dispatches energy in response to market signals and shares verified performance data with market operators so asset owners can receive payments. Stem’s AI is also constantly learning and improving its algorithms, in concert with market trading partners.
Optimal bidding in deregulated energy markets is a complex process that demands advanced software. Athena’s bidding platform generates multiple data forecasts and then overlays economic and operational constraints to produce energy bids that are optimized for each market interval.
Electricity market rules and contract requirements can change many times over a project’s lifetime, significantly altering how the asset generates revenue. Stem’s expert team continuously updates Athena to account for location-based incentives, compliance requirements, tariffs, and operational changes in order to maximize project revenue.
Athena actively manages battery state-of-charge (SOC), cycling, and other operational factors to extend performance and delay degradation – sometimes well beyond initial manufacturer estimates – to the benefit of program and warranty compliance and overall project value.
Designing successful projects requires sophisticated analysis of project- and market-specific inputs. Athena's algorithms combined with Stem’s modeling capabilities, project evaluation tools, and market expertise incorporate thousands of data points to simulate how a project would perform throughout its life.
With unparalleled insight into lifetime performance plus adaptability that maximizes project value, Stem supports project financing efforts. Athena can operate projects to meet a variety of different financial targets, ensuring the financial profile needed to receive funding.
Featured Case Study: Front of Meter Solar Plus Storage
In this large-scale solar plus storage project with leading developer Syncarpha, Stem’s Athena AI delivers the intelligence that enables participation in ISO New England wholesale energy markets. In addition, Athena supports compliance with requirements for federal investment tax credits and the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program.
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